Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Research Plan!

Task 1

I will be researching and exploring the history of the Vatican library as well as it’s collections, it’s surrounding art, the buildings in which they house these collections; all in all, a thorough understanding of the history of the Vatican library and what it represents to the Vatican city. 

This research will include:

1.       The examples of collections and historical texts it possess and possessed; this will also include how they came to these collections and who are the official holders.

2.       The inception of the Vatican library. Beginnings and the early period of libraries.

3.       Its design, structure and architecture; what was it inspired by, the difficulties that were found in creating the Vatican library.

4.       The temporary closing of the library from the public and it’s reopening

5.       The 5 periods the history of the Vatican library has housed: 
Pre-Lateran, Lateran, Avignon, Pre-Vatican and Vatican.

6.       The associations with famous history figures; acquisition’s and certain collections belonging to heirs.

7.       The art surrounding the Vatican library.

8.       How religion plays an aspect into the collections, art, architecture, place and environment of the Vatican library.

9.       Background information on the Vatican city itself.

10.   A general list of the librarians that have served the Vatican Library.

Each of these areas will include the origin of the information sourced. 
I hope to show the Vatican library in a different light than how it is portrayed; a large library full of musky collections of religious literature and manuscripts of old doctrines. I hope to show the more interesting side of the Vatican library: the art and paintings and sculptures that surround it, the more interesting parts of the collection they house (illuminated manuscripts) and the interesting profiles of the librarians that look after it.

I aim to make posts at least once a week, two if I can and am able to have a thorough understanding and find enough sources about the Vatican library.


So far my research has gone quite smoothly.

The first of my research findings was the collections and what they specifically house in the Vatican Library. There is an abundance of information on this. 
First, there is a website that lists most of the Vatican Library's collection listed here:

It is a very useful link as they list these types of collections:
  • Manuscripts
  • Archival collections
  • Printed books
  • Prints and drawings
  • Coins and medals
Each of these collections is housed by a different department. For example the Manuscripts department is directed by Dr Paolo Vian; the people that work in this department are called Scriptores.

I've also found a a picture of an example of a manuscript housed in the manuscript department of the Vatican Library!


Vatican Collections Online Website (2012). BAV - Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 28th August 2012].

Manuscript Picture

dipity (2012). Vatican Manuscript is finally published. [image online] Available at: [Accessed: 28th August 2012].